global gGameLevel, gGameSetup, gUserTips, gDemoVersion
pSpr = sprite(me.spriteNum)
if inRecipeMode() then
if gDemoVersion then
temp = "The Drink Specials (Recipe Practice) Mode is disabled in this demo version. Use the Last Call Online link on the main menu to purchase the release version from our web site."
temp = "In Drink Specials mode you can practice any drink recipe. Choose a drink from the alphabetical listing under the red 'A-Z' tab in the Recipe book, then click the Take Order button. There is no time limit and a customer won't leave until you've served the drink using the Serve button. Use the red 'X' at the right hand side of the bar interface to end the practice session and return to the Main Menu."
end if
pSpr.member.fontSize = 14
if inShotMode() then
if gDemoVersion then
temp = "The Free Shot Mode is disabled in this demo version. Use the Last Call Online link on the main menu to purchase the release version from our web site."
pSpr.member.fontSize = 14
temp = " Get ready for Free Shot Mode"
pSpr.member.fontSize = 18
end if
if inBonusRoundMode() then
if gDemoVersion then
temp = "This demo version only allows you to play the first level of the game. In the full version, if you successfully complete the drink mixing round you'll go on to the high speed Bonus Round. The full version contains over a dozen levels featuring more customers, off-the-wall antics, harder recipes, more music, and additional features such as the Recipe Practice mode. Use the Last Call Online link on the main menu to purchase the full version from our web site."
pSpr.member.fontSize = 14
temp = " Get ready for the Bonus Round!"
pSpr.member.fontSize = 18
end if
nextLevel = gGameLevel + 1
if nextLevel > count(gGameSetup) then
temp = EMPTY
temp = temp & randomFromList(["You've maxed us out.", "Okay you're hired!", "Bacchus would be proud!", "Congratulations!" & RETURN & "You made it to Last Call."])
pSpr.member.fontSize = 24
if nextLevel = 1 then
temp = formatObjectives(nextLevel)
pSpr.member.fontSize = 14
temp = " Now starting Shift" && nextLevel & "..."
pSpr.member.fontSize = 24
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
temp = temp & RETURN & RETURN
if inGameMode() then
if nextLevel = 1 then
temp = temp & "Click anywhere to start your shift!"
end if
if gDemoVersion then
temp = temp & "Click anywhere to return to the Main Menu."